Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Audaz: 내 남자의 여자

I only have four days remaining before my Big Brother Audition.
Am I preparing for the audition's interview? Am I memorizing my spiel?
Am I thinking about the perfect make-up/ outfit to wear?
Yes, I am! But I also do side trips, like the frickin thing below.

Tee rak?

It's the Thai translation for dear, honey or sweetheart.

translation from:

Now, do yah think this is already a fearless post? I think not. Look at what I have found out about her.

Monday, February 23, 2009

looking good in Canada

source: Scott Moffatt's facebook

above photo uploaded by Iris Campo

Sunday, February 15, 2009

banff it baby

Scott's back in Canada. :)